
The legacy of David Lynch

    The Great mysterious director of the 21st century. From director to painter, Rest in pure power.      When we Think about surreal, bizarre, and mysterious films, Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, and Mulholland Drive,  are the films that made the general public look at them in amazement or confusion. These films are just as Iconic as the new wave of Directors. The style of filming along with the Cinematogry, is a masterpiece.  Naomi Watts and Laura Harring In Mulholland Drive      The man behind the bizarre but magnificent work is David Lynch, A man with an abstract mind and a broad view of films. His work has inspired directors of today, to try & make films that are similar to his work. His name is even made into a term that is used to describe a film is it has a mystic or a dream-like vibe called  Lynchian. That term is now in the Oxford English Dictionary. Blue Velvet is  One of the best examples of a surreal and bi...

Chris Benoit : The disgraced Champion

  Chris Benoit was once admired and now despised.      If there's one thing that makes wrestling so important and  prominent , it is a champion and the stories that lead to their victory. How their legacy withstands in history or time. Some fans may look back at them with admiration or inspiration.  With a winning streak, the number of great memorable matches, and title wins, it makes or breaks. Chris Benoit is that champion who started out as the greatest wrestler in the modern era. His Legacy is up there with some iconic wrestlers from the likes of Hulk Hogan to Stone Cold Steve Austin, he was world-renowned for his athletic prowess, dedication to the arts, and professionalism with the people he worked with in the ring.  He gained respect from other wrestlers who have worked with him in the past, while some wrestlers have never doubted his best work in the ring, but his personal life was in question at some point in his career.  A list of accomp...

Ronda Rousey : The Fallen Idol

  Sometimes we have to admire our idols, but not worship them, because when they fall or disappoint us, it's too hard to keep them up on the pedestal we put on them.  Ronda " Rowdy" Rousey! Who took the Nickname as a tribute to the late "Rowdy" Roddey  Piper. She was considered the best fighter of all time.       Ronda's rise to the top of the UFC should be looked at with amazement. Something that is admired by other young female UFC fighters. From being an Olympic Judo Fighter to becoming the first female UFC fighter in the new division, to becoming the highest-paid fighter.  Having 4 of her matches was the main event of a UFC PPV ( UFC 175, 182,184, &190).  Their face-off at the the press conference at UFC 193, was the most talked-about moment.      She was in the same category as Floyd Mayweather and Mike Tyson, which some people have found skeptical as she was only good in UFC. She was in movies, TV shows, and advertise...

Mothra: the Queen Of Monsters

  The Heroic and Brave Mothra, and how she is the only Monster, that never attacks humans,  But is willing to protect them and nature.  The Kaiji (AKA Strange Monsters) Have been a huge part of Japanese pop culture for over 70 Years, With the list of great monsters. From Gamaera to Rodan, they have made their mark on the world. From Being Great Hero to Vile Villians, they have made the viewers shiver in fear or cheer for their favorite monster in battle. Godzilla: The King of all Kaiji Monsters. Since the 1950s, He has been in 33 films and Has fought several Monsters. In 2021, He has even Beaten King Kong in Godzilla vs Kong, cementing himself as the official "King of all monsters" But the Big Bad or the main leader of the Kaiji Monster, Godzilla. He has manage to either fight against or help them, in his run-ins with these monsters. From Calling all monsters, to even Godzilla vs Kong, he's either the Hero or the villain, Depending on which era. Everyone in the anime, Hor...

Victor Salva Sucks

    Victor Salva is a director who even dedicated horror movie fans, historians, critics, and other directors have major conflicts with his work. All of his films have a hint of absence and disturbing lines, which a lot of viewers who don't know about his history, find weird, for those who do know about his backstory, is disgusting. His Jeepers Creepers movie series has been viewed from a mix of praise and excitement of his great entry into the horror world to revolting and disheartening, that Predator still manages to get a job and get off of a serious crime.  Nathan Forrest Winters Played Cassey and Brian McHugh as his brother Geoffrey in The Movie. They were also victims of Victor Salva's sexual assault and were part of the court trial.      The crime that he had done to a young child on the set of his 1987's horror film " Clownhouse" . This has made things even worse when he was only charged with obtaining CP materials ( You can fill in the blank)....

Cannibal Holocaust: Is it really That good?

  This may be the Most Shocking statement coming from an Horror fan and a writer to say something like this. Here goes nothing... Cannibal Holocaust is overrated and it's not that good.  The main character has made it to the island to film a documentary about the "Cannibal" Tribe. They Asked what they were looking for. Too Bad they won't make it out.               Yes, I know it's very shocking about that statement, But hear me out as to why I said it. It's overrated and is on every horror movie lover's list, and it's been used for every horror film countdown, Critic choice, and others. It's almost like a drinking game every time a fan mentions this film. It might cause the viewer's liver damage.            But there are so many other great Cannibal Films that are just as good as this film. However, it seems like it's being overshadowed by this film. The film was only famous because of several thin...

The 90's Horror films finally getting their roses!

  The 90s horror films have come a long way from the glorious 1980s horror days.       90s Horror films are slowly starting to get the flowers and praise, they so highly deserved. Between the highly recognizable 1980s, the unforgotten 70s, and the famous Atom 50s it sure took a long time for Film historians, Critics, and fans, to see the influences that some of the '90s horror films have on future filmmakers and writers of today.  From High School Vampire Slayer to Living Dead Zombie Telling Scary Stories, these were the shows that defined the 90s.      The movies that were once gone straight to Video Horror films have now been resurrected back to the big screen. Even though some low-budget horror films, have made it big on video and networks made tv movie horror films. ( Steven King's IT Series, The Shinning, and Rose Red).  Horror TV shows were still going strong with some anthropology horror shows that are well known.   Pennywise...