Can there be good Christian Horror films? Could be?

Or...Could they?...Maybe?

There's something strange about Christian films that take their spin on mainstream films that is so cringe, and not well made, it's almost comedic and I do mean nearly.  I Do feel like some films do have a good message in them, but the execution of it is very laughable. 

A Christian version of "Saw" With Rowdy Roddey Piper!! not a good look!

    There's something about these productions that twist the word of the bible into propaganda for some movies to the highest level, and it's not a good look. It shows directors try too hard to try to send the messages of god, it's very hard thing to do.

So when there are horror movies that deal with Christian topics, some filmmakers will find a way to try and connect with some of the horror movie fanbase. It's very awkward that they have to use horror movies as a way to get the message of god, or to make it a God vs Satan fight while pushing the narrative too much. 

John Miller AKA The Devil ( Al Pacino) Is tempting Kevin Lomax (Keanu Reeves)  into joining his "Firm" in the 1997 " The Devil's Advocate"

    There are some Horror movies that have a good element of Christian horror, that can connect to the fan base well, From Rosemary's Baby to Saint Maude, there are good Christian-like horror movies, that have a better budget, and a good plot that makes it easy to understand. The production have to make sure it can attract the audience's attention, without scaring away others. 

From The Exorcist to Saint Maud, there are some good Christian and Christian base horror films.  

But there's a thin line between being too "Preachy" And being offensive and being considered, to some viewers. But some directors and writers manage to nail it. Because it's also about keeping the viewer's attention on the film, without pushing them away from the message.  Also, The big issue about it is because of the churches and conservatives, who think they could also make a better film than "Woke" Media won't make. 

So in closing, could Christian horror movies work, yes and no. Yes, It can work if it is done properly and has a great director behind it who is not afraid to push the envelope. Plus it's what people at the time, who saw the films would want. From the Omen to Rosemary's Baby, was something new and riveting. 
Damion from the original 1970's " The Omen" 

There's also no because some religious people would find it offensive and that crossing the line. They would think it's the church pushing the narrative about the bible as a political move from the director or the studio. So it maybe that the pastors or conservative director would make it, but at the risk of alienating the viewers.  So maybe that's why we are used to the classic Christian type of horror films then, instead of now.


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