The Beauty of Anime Japanese Horror

From Movies to TV, Horror anime is grown in popularity since the introduction of Chainsaw Man, Parasite, and Death Note. These are the types of Jhorror Anime. 

The Idea of the anime horror movie is mentioned and reviewed by other people in the horror community. But it's not talked about more than other type of horror films and shows. There are tons of great anime movies and TV Shows that anime fans would vouch for and Could introduce to people interested in this type of horror media.  

Open Wide and Say AHHHHHHH! the Parasite Series have gain international fans, with successful live action films and series. 

    The idea of Japanese Anime Horror Films and TV is something Strange and beautiful. The artist uses their imagination and puts it down on paper with conviction and fear. if anime fans know that horror fans are interested in those types of anime, it would be a great collaboration for future anime artists and Filmmakers. Writers, directors, and even musicians have found their inspiration through Anime. 2 great ideas come with great original shows, manga, and Movies. 

One of the most popular anime Horror/ Suspense Movie is" Perfect Blue" (1997). 
The film gives off a Hitchcock vibe, with Dario Agento's "Susperia" dream-like scenario.

    The Great open world of Ideas in anime is Phenomenal, however not enough people are willing to talk about it unless it is remade into live-action, and then people will look into the original content. But there are opportunities for horror fans to search the web, to find some of the best Mangas, anime, and even OVA films, from an Anime TV show (Orignal video anime). 

The Famous Click and Point Anime Horror Game "Corpse Party" Has gained followers over the years, and was turned into an anime Series. This is one party No one should RSVP.

    There have also been Anime Horror video games, that have horror movie elements, that make the player shiver in terror and fear. Games like  Final Frame, Resident Evil,  Silent Hill, and other great Video games from Japan. This type of Anime horror in video games gave an opportunity for future anime artists, whether it's indie or mainstream, it's still greatly respected!

In 1999, in Monthly Halloween ( A horror Magazine that would show horror stories) Junji Ito presented the world to the beautiful, yet villainous Tomie. Showing that all pretty packages have ugly surprises.

It's Something that people should think about, before assuming that anime is just for One Piece and Narito, but it also has its roots in the horror world. There are some great anime horror media out there, that are waiting to be found. This type of work, and the writers and artists, will make anyone rethink the work of anime and embrace the dark side. 👿


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